CAMERA Digital

Sony A7s Drone Short

So, I’m out for drinks one night with my friend Jordan Rubin and he turns to me and says, “I’m thinking about doing a mock trailer for a film where a drone becomes self-aware and goes around trying to kill everyone.”  I said, sure, let’s do it next weekend!  The plan was simple: take Jordan’s Sony A7s and my set of Rokinon DS lenses; then rent a speedrail slider, a Kino Flo, and a …

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CAMERA Cheap Uncategorized

Step-down Voltage Converter

I did a project in Berlin, Germany a little bit ago and I wanted to share a cool little gadget that helped us a lot.  In some older areas of Europe, the power is not very stable or consistent.  This isn’t normally a problem when shooting in the US with American gear because it’s all ratted for 110v @ 60Hz power cycle, and most fragile electronics already have a …

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